Solar System Creator Wiki
Antelsat 1
As the aim of Project Photosynthesis, completed on 42.2.
Effect Converts CO2 into O2 through artificial photosynthesis, reducing global warming problems as a result of the useage of organic energy sources.
Outdated Not yet.

Arpho machines, made by scientists from The Green Country on Laktra in the Ixra system as a part of Project Photosynthesis, were made to make photosynthesis artificially, a goal completed on the solar date 42.2. The machine was finetuned during the following time, and set in production on 42.5. Smaller updates and improvements have changed the machine slightly over time to be more effective even since however.
The machines also had a big impact on the society in The Green Country. Before the machines existed, socialists focusing on the environment had a big influence within the country, but as the environment became less of a problem the country became more liberal. In the end, it resulted in The Green Country exiting it's alliance with the more socialistic nations Kolnor, Pinkalikum and Autarkia on 52.4, which it had been a part of since 43.0
